How to host your website temporarily for free?

Web Programming is a booming field, any web programmer will know that when you
use Xampp you can access the website in your network, but what if you want to
access the website outside your wifi ?

You can host it on google cloud or Azure
or AWS but that’s done after you complete the website .. but what if you just
want to show your friend who is at a different place about your website ? This
is where Cloudfare comes to the rescue, it is a very simple tool which can be
used to instantly put your website onto the internet… it creates a sharable link
via which anyone Anywhere on earth can have access to your website.
Let’s see how
this works
First you need to install Cloudfare it is available for all major OS
platforms You can download it via npm or yarn

Commands :-

npm install -g @cloudflare/wrangler

using yarn
yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler

Brew for Mac Users

brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared

Now the next step is to host— Go
to your terminal window , and type the following command


cloudflared tunnel--url http://localhost:3000

Remember you need to change the port if you are
using a different port

Now this gives you a shareable link via which anyone can
have access to your website. 
In Action


Hosting a website


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