HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Software Engineering Project)


 In our project, on “Hotel Management System”, we have tried to show how the Data/information in hotels is managed. This is just an overview of management in hotels. This has been achieved by dividing the project into various modules. Customer is provided with different services like checking in, checking out, and editing entries or can be advance payments, etc. If the customer wants he/she can cancel his/her booking. Inquiry about any customer or employee can be made either by customer Id or customer name. Inquiry about rooms available can also be made. Our project also includes the module for employee information. It will generate reports for customers, employees (working in the hotel), and Bill for customers is generated when the customer will check out from the hotel. We have included only a few modules, as our purpose is to only have the idea or to study how the management is done in hotels. By adding many more modules this type of project can have scope in various hotels. After going through the existing system, the problem was identified and the scope of development was finalized.

Since the emergence of the electronic computer, decision-making, and processing of information has been very easy. Data can now be stored on a computer in considerable space and retrieved within a short period of time compared with the manual method which is tedious and time-consuming as the size of the file increases. Though the ability of computers to store, retrieve and process data can also be done by humans the major difference is that computers can reliably execute millions of instructions within a nanosecond and store the result while it takes a longer period of time for the human beings to execute.

Hotel Management System is a software system where the management of the entire hotel is computerized. The application stores customer record and daily activities performed in the hotel such as customer details, reservation details, creating a new room, vacating the rooms, etc. all are computerized and the management is done without any difficulty. It also generates reports for an authorized user on a daily basis and weekly reports, thereby reducing the time and stress that will be undergone using the manual method.

Link for the code

Project Document

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