Jann Wanner speech that make him lost his board seat

Jann Wenner, who co-founded Rolling Stone magazine and also was a co-founder of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, has been removed from the hall's board of directors

He was removed after  making comments that were seen as disparaging toward black and female musicians.

Wenner created a firestorm doing publicity for his new book "The Masters," which features interviews with musicians all white and black

Late Saturday, Wenner apologised through his publisher, Little, Brown and Company, telling the Times

"In my interview with NYT I made comments that diminished  the contributions, genius and impact of black and women  artists and I apologise wholeheartedly for those remarks." : Jann

He added: "I totally understand the inflammatory nature and  badly chosen words and deeply apologise and accept the consequences."

Wenner co-founded Rolling Stone in 1967 and served as its  editor or editorial director until 2019.

He also co-founded the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, which was launched in 1987.